Migration is a social, economic, politic and cultural phenomenon. This is a decision made voluntarily by a person or a group of persons looking for better possibilities, for a better quality of life, escaping of poverty, social repression, discrimination, etc.
It is a social phenomenon because it implies the movement of human beings from one country to another one. Also the reasons why a person or a family decides to move can be social: discrimination, violence against a gender (almost always women), wars and intern violence.
Politics have a lot to do with migration because totalitarian regimes and socialist governments are the reason why many people choose to leave their home country. Politics bring consequences to economic and social aspects. This is the case of one of the countries with higher rates of migration even though they can’t leave their own country: Cuba.
Culture is a very important aspect because people migrating many times come from a very different culture than the one of the home they migrate to. As they are human beings they shouldn’t be discriminated for coming from different countries or cultures but it happens.
Economy is a reason because poverty and unemployment can be two of the main reasons why people seek for better conditions of life. Looking for jobs and economic independence isn’t always as they imagine. Conditions for migrants in foreign countries aren’t the best always. Discrimination towards women mainly is very common in developed countries.
Women are a more vulnerable population, they migrate with their families and they need desperately a job. Employees that need persons in the manufacturing process take advantage of immigrants and make them work more hours for less money. This is what happens in Sri Lanka where immigrant women work many hours for little pay. Gender norms, lack of participation of women in politics and the division of labor are some aspects that bring as consequence the poor standards of work for women. (Gamburd. R, Michele, Advocating Sri Lanka migrants workers, Critical Asian Studies, 41: 1 (2009), o61-088)
In order to protect and watch for the rights of migrants an international organization appeared: the IOM. IOM works in the four broad areas of migration management:
1. Migration and development
2. Facilitating migration
3. Regulating migration
4. Forced migration.
In order to achieve their goals they work with the promotion of international migration law, policy debate and guidance, protection of migrants' rights, migration health and the gender dimension of migration. (IOM. Retrieved on October the 9nth, 20101, from http://www.iom.int/jahia/Jahia/about-iom/lang/en)
This international organization is very important because it works for the most unprotected and vulnerable human beings: migrants. These persons are alone, in a different country, away from their family, they have no job, no home, nowhere to go and many persons take advantage of their situation and exploit them. From these persons the ones who need more help are women.
Image taken from: http://www.corbisimages.com/Enlargement/Enlargement.aspx?id=IH081187&tab=details&caller=search
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