domingo, 5 de septiembre de 2010

Other`s Blogs.

Reading other's blogs is very interesting because you can see how they approach the same task you had in a different way. Even though we all had to write about the same topic, we all came up with different ideas and examples.
I chose 5 Blogs I thought were very interesting and I posted my comments in them:

  • The first Blog I commented in belonged to Sara Baena ( I liked this blog because it was very organized and attractive for the reader. I chose to comment in "Business implications of cultural differences" because I agreed with her ideas and I thought she developed them in a clear way.

  • I commented in Daniel Velasquez's Blog ( in the publication belonging to the Pygmalion effect because I liked very much the examples he gave about expectations and I agreed pretty much with everything he said.
  • I commented in Mónica Giraldo's Blog ( because I liked very much the video she published at the end of the text about the Pygmalion effect. I think it was an interesting comparison between water and human beings and how words can affect us both.

  • I liked Yveth Weissenborn's Blog ( and specially the publication about the Pygmalion effect, because I found shocking a picture she has at the end. This picture tells a story about elephants that can be applied to humans as well. It shows us how not only other's perceptions can affect our behavior, but also our own perceptions towards our selves.

  • The last Blog I commented in belonged to Maria Mercedes Agudelo ( I liked the video she posted abut the Pygmalion effect because it shows how through a real example, an experiment, the Pygmalion effect occurs in real life.
References: Image taken from

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